Friday, July 17, 2009
Where will Emma be in 10 Years
Emma says her focus for the next four years will be university, and she's not going to worry about what comes after that now. She'd like to work with directors Alfonso Cuaron and Guillermo del Toro but doesn't feel any pressure. "Acting never was about the money for me. … Maybe in 10 years, I'll be able to appreciate the fact that I am financially stable and independent and I don't have to make bad choices. I can be very picky."
New Emma Photo in Tu Magazine
Emma Watson Burberry Ads in Vanity Fair
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Emma Watson Won't Move to "Bitchy" Hollywood
'Harry Potter' star Emma Watson has ruled out moving from the UK to Hollywood because she thinks actresses here are too "bitchy."
Admitting that the lifestyle and weather is great here in LA, it's still not enough to get her pack her bags and move across the pond.
"Gosh, I could never be that bitchy," she told AOL's Moviefone. "I think that living in England, it's very disconnected from Hollywood. There's a very different approach and attitude towards it. Acting in a starry way is just not tolerated. You will just have the p**s taken out of you."
"I think that it's a wonderful lifestyle that you have [in LA]," she added. "The weather is amazing and everyone seems very healthy.
"It seems like a really nice place to live. Obviously, if I had to film here or whatever, then that would be great. But I don't really know a lot of people here."
Some actresses can't handle LA, so it's probably a good idea for her to stay away. If she lived here, we would have already seen about a half dozen naked photos of her and possibly a "leaked" sex tape. They're not kidding when they say Hollywood sucks you in and spits you back out.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Emma Watson : It's hard to find a right man

The 18-year-old actress - who shot to fame playing Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film franchise - has set her sights on finding a boyfriend in 2009.
But Watson says finding the right guy is proving difficult - even though she's not particularly fussy.
She says, "A good boyfriend is hard to find. There aren't a lot of gentlemen out there and unfortunately I'm still waiting for my knight in shiny armor.
"I'm sure he will come along at some point. Ideally he has to be intelligent, to be interesting, and I have to be able to hold a conversation with him.
"I don't want someone who bores me out of my mind. Actually, he will just have to make me laugh, really."
Source: Showbizspy
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Emma Watson Says Possible for New film

Emma Watson says Possible for New film while in an interview by Daliy Mail Magazine
‘I don’t consider myself to be a celebrity. I don’t fit that mould. I worry that people have expectations of me being someone I’m not. I’m just finding myself and trying to live as normally as possible and be as normal as possible.
'I’ve never seen a “good behaviour” clause (she refers to her reported Warner contract) – I honestly think that’s a myth – but I actually wouldn’t ever need one. It’s just not necessary. I’m not tempted by parties or drugs. I don’t actually like being drunk, particularly in public. But I do understand why people get sucked into a party lifestyle. I can see how it happens so I’d never criticise someone who gets into all that. It can get pretty tough. But you have choices in life. If I want to lead as private and as normal a life as possible I just can’t go there. So I don’t.’
She grins. ‘Daniel (Radcliffe), Rupert (Grint) and me have been incredibly protected doing the Harry Potter movies. There seems to be this feeling that all of us were bursting to break out of these images we had created but that’s never been the case. We all share the same view. None of us court celebrity, none of us want to be part of the game.’
While some websites and reports have claimed that she has chosen a University, Emma Watson says again that she is still undecided, and states of her desire to further her education while acting. "Jodie Foster did it, Natalie Portman did it,’ she says. ‘I think it’s entirely possible to juggle university with filming...‘I actually think going to university will make me a better actress. The experience of living like that, working to deadlines, living with other students. It’s all the things I want."
Finally, Emma Watson speaks again to a role in the Napoleon and Betsy film that she has been rumored to be taking on for some time now. ‘It’s a strong relationship but it’s not sexual,’ she says. ‘It’s very complex. A touching of souls. She was a very young girl and he was this older, incredible man. I read the script two years ago and just knew this was the perfect film for me.’
Source: The Leaky Caludron
Monday, February 23, 2009
new trailer harry potter
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Emma wins the DA Award!
A few days ago we reported that Emma was nominated for the DA Award. Now we know that she won the voting!
Between Christmas and January 1st, 2009 you had the oportunity to vote for the DA Award. The criteria was who among Dan, Emma and Rupert ist the best role model.
Emma won the voting 77% of all votes! Congratulations to Emma!
The Voting was a project of the International Network of Harry Potter Websites. The winner of the voting shall be rewarded with teh DA Award.
We will let you know as soon as we know more.
Tom J.S
Emma Watson May Head to U.S. For College
Emma Watson May Head to U.S. For College
by Nikki Katz on September 12th, 2008
Emma Watson is expected to head to Cambridge, but she says that she is also considering going to college in the United States.
“I’ve applied to a few universities for next year, including several American ones. If I do go there I will do a liberal arts degree, but if I stay in the UK I’ll do English Literature,” Emma told The Independent.
Emma wants to live as normal a life as possible and will continue to act as she pursues her university studies. I wonder where she would go over here!